
Delivers video only streams; audio playback is disabled

Viewer-Side Option! (&view, &scene, &room)


  • &na

  • &hideaudio


Delivers video only streams; audio playback is disabled for all incoming streams. &noaudio also hides the speaker button.

You can pass a comma separated list of stream IDs that will be excluded, so that they specifically will play audio. ?noaudio=guest1a,guest2a will only allow audio from guest1a and guest2a to play

External Iframes may or may not be muted by default if using &noaudio. While I try to mute frames when possible, like embedded Youtube videos, there may be still some Iframe sources I cannot mute.

&exludeaudio can also be used to specify certain stream IDs that will NOT play audio, so the inverse of &noaudio

If you want to be able to unmute the speaker button during production, use &mutespeaker instead of &noaudio.

&deafen also disables monitoring your own audio, then it's impossible to get any sound from VDO.Ninja.

Last updated