Buttons and Control Bar Parameters
Show/hide buttons, adjust the user control bar and video control bar
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Show/hide buttons, adjust the user control bar and video control bar
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Auto-hides the control bar after a few moments of the mouse being idle
Forces the user control bar to be in its own dedicated space
Disables the local settings button
Disables the mic button; guests can't mute audio
Hides the speaker button
Disables the video button; guests can't mute video
Hides the ability for a guest to upload a file
Forces the screen-share button to appear for guests
Hides the hang-up button
Shows or hides the chat button
Makes the microphone mute button a lot bigger
Adds a full-screen button to the control bar
Disables IFrames from loading, such as remotely shared websites by another guest or director
Enables a "Raise Hand" button for guests
While you can position the control bar by dragging it around, you can also set it's initial position with the use of a custom CSS parameter. For example:
The above is a base64 encoded version of the following CSS, which positions the control bar at the top by default. Base64 encoding allows us to use stylings safely as a URL parameter.
#subControlButtons{transform:translate(0px, calc(-100vh + 90px))!important};
Shows the video control bar
Will force hide the video control bar
Will try to keep the video controls visible, even if your mouse isn't hovering over the video