
Option to change codec of the &meshcast parameter

Meshcast Option / Sender-Side Option! (&meshcast, &push)


  • &mccodec


Example: &meshcastcodec=h264

*on beta and alpha


Adding &meshcastcodec to the publisher's side together with &meshcast gives the option to change the publishing codec for Meshcast.

Example usage: https://vdo.ninja/?meshcast&meshcastcodec=vp9

There's 4 codec options currently, including the default option:

  • The unspecified default, which is software h264.

  • There's also h264, which is what the browser then sets. This could include hardware encoding, but that will not work with Firefox or Safari viewers then.

  • vp8 is pretty compatible, so if the default codec doesn't work, you can try that.

  • vp9 is also available, which has better compression/quality, but not fully compatible with all devices.

  • av1 and svc are not yet supported, but that is planned at some point.

Last updated