Loads a custom CSS file
General Option! (&push
, &room
, &view
, &scene
Example: &css=https%3A%2F%2Fbackup.vdo.ninja%2Fdev4321%2Fexamples%2Fmain.css
(encoded URL)
will show the VU-style meter that the director has by default already
Any URL-encoded URL that links to a CSS file.
Example: https://vdo.ninja/?css=https%3A%2F%2Fbackup.vdo.ninja%2Fdev4321%2Fexamples%2Fmain.css
You can use this tool to encode the URL you want to link to https://www.urlencoder.org/
Link to a remotely hosted CSS style sheet via the URL. You can stylize VDO.Ninja without needing to host anything more than a CSS file. The page elements are not visible until the remote style sheet has been loaded.
I've made the &css
parameter within VDO.Ninja more tolerant to invalid forms of input, so if you don't know what URL or Base64 encoding is, you might be able to get away without using any now.
You can pass CSS as a base64-encoded string using the &base64css
parameter. This needs to be URLComponent encoded first, and then converted to base 64.
The https://invite.vdo.ninja/ tool has an option to do these base64 encoding steps under "General Options".
Customizable director's dock for OBS
Customizable director's dock for OBS example made:
Example: https://vdo.ninja/?css=minidirector.css&cleanoutput&hidesolo&director
Last updated
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