How to stream transparent video

Sending video with a transparent background, or with an alpha-channel (RGBA), is possible, but rather limited at the moment

If you wanted to stream yourself with a transparent background, or use a WebM file as a transparent effects overlay, it's possible with VDO.Ninja, however a bit limited still.

There's not many ways to bring transparent sources into the browser, nor are there many ways current to stream transparent video.

Lets list some of the methods that do work however:

Webp-mode supports transparency

&webp mode send webp images, which supports transparencies, instead of streaming video, which current does not support transparencies. It does however require quite a bit of CPU and network bandwidth, so its recommend to use low frame rates and low resolutions to avoid problems.

Sending a video file via webp-mode

With this option, you can select a video file locally that contains a transparent background. WebM file formats support transparent backgrounds and can be opened by the browser.

&webp mode supports transparency as noted, so we need to include that on the sender link. We also need to include &alpha, to tell the system that we want to include alpha channels (transparency), if possible.

On the viewer side, we can add &codec=webp to tell the system we want to pull the video stream as a webp series of images, rather than normal video. Images will transparencies will automatically include them in the display.

Transparent webcam background via webp-mode

As with the above example, you can also send a webcam feed of a person, with their background removed.

Like above, we need to include &alpha and &webp, but we also need need to include &effects=5.

The goal here is to remove the background using the VDO.Ninja background removal tool, and then use a transparent image as the background, instead of a normal virtual background image. In the link below, we include a transparent pixel in the URL, so no external file is needed.

And like before, to view this stream with transparencies, we need to include &codec=webp on the view link.

This option is highly CPU intensive though; I'd recommend at least a fast 8-core system for this option, as you are doing both AI and heavy image processing workloads.

Green screening

As with the above option, you can use the digital background effect (&effects=4, in this case) to replace your background in VDO.Ninja with a green solid color.

If using an application like OBS or vMix, during playback of the stream you can use a Chroma filter to remove the green background.

Another benefit of green screening is you can use an actual physical green screen as well. And this would work without needing AI effects and it would work on anything; not just a person.

When green screening, since color is so important, try using &codec=av1 as well on the playback view link, as the AV1 codec tends to preserve colors better than &codec=h264 or &codec=vp8, which are normally the defaults. With better colors, it should be easier to chroma-key out the green.

Chunked mode - partially working

VDO.Ninja has a mode called Chunked, which can be activated on Chromium browsers by adding &chunked to the push URL.

When also used with &alpha, ie:

it will tell the browser to only select video codecs that can encode alpha channels. Normal WebRTC video streaming doesn't support alpha channels, but the chunked mode does. However, if no codec is available in your browser with alpha-channel support, then the chunked mode will fail or default back to a codec that doesn't support alpha channels.

At present, no codecs in Chrome seem to support alpha channels, but when that changes the feature will be automatically available for us.

Not many transparent sources

At present, virtual cameras and screen shares are likely to not include alpha channels, so while you might try to screen share the Electron Capture app, which has a transparent background, you'll still have the captured video having a black background.

I'm hoping this isn't the case in the future with Chrome and other Chromium browsers, but I'm not entirely sure.

Raspberry.Ninja and OBS WHIP output - future possiblities

I've not really sure about this, but you can force video into Raspberry.Ninja, with transparent backgrounds, and VDO.Ninja will play them back. In my previous testing, Chrome refused to play back transparent video streams from Raspberry.Ninja with transparencies, dropping them for black backgrounds instead, but this might change in the future.

If this does change, you might then be able to use OBS as well for streaming transparent video to VDO.Ninja. Or perhaps you'll be able to go from Raspberry.Ninja into OBS via WHEP at some point, but these are all not yet available and are likely years away from being materialized.

Last updated

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