
Set a custom screenshare quality

Sender-Side Option! (&push)


  • &ssq


Example: &screensharequality=1











Update on V22: &screensharequality applies now to both primary and secondary types of screen-shares. Before &quality was needed for primary screen share quality setting.

When a guest shares their screen during a group chat, it creates a secondary VDO.Ninja session to share that screen, alongside their active webcam. Two streams as a result.

Using this parameter will give you control over the quality of the screen share, specifically, overriding what you might have set with &quality. It will not impact the webcam quality.

Set a target quality for your screen share, when you screen share as a secondary stream (in a room).

Achieving higher sharpness

If looking to screen share a document at the highest quality possible, consider the follow URL parameters:

  • &screensharequality=-1 may be a good option for screen sharing documents, where more sharpness is needed.

  • &screensharecontenthint=detail to hint to use higher resolution over frame rates; this would be applied to the viewer's URL.

  • &codec=av1 can also be applied to the viewer's URL to change to a better video codec.

  • &screensharebitrate=6000 on the viewer side can increase the video bitrate, but you can go upwards of 20000-kbps if needed for heavier motion-based video.

  • &sharperscreen on the viewer end can avoid scaling down the image if the playback window is smaller than the video's native resolution. This will avoid double aliasing issues.

  • As well, if using OBS Studio for playback, you can add a sharpness filter to the video to improve the clarity. This can undo some of the softness caused by video compression, improving edge sharpness.

  • If in a group room, as a guest, the director can increase the total bitrate of the room, which will improve the screen share quality for all the guests in the room. By default, guests and directors view a screen share at a relatively low bitrate.

Last updated

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