
Display labels as a video overlay

General Option! (&push, &room, &view, &scene)


  • &showlabel

  • &sl


There are some preset style options, which can be passed to the parameter as a value. You can also choose to just edit the label's style with CSS, as discussed lower on this page.

Example: &showlabels=ninjablue


(no value given)

Generic styled display names


Fire looking display names


VDO.Ninja styled display names


Skype styled display names


Microsoft Teams styled display names


Top-center rounded display names


Zoom styled display names


Rounded lower-right names; bold


This parameter will display the user's display name or label on screen, as a text overlay. The label can be set either via the URL using the &label parameter, or the room's director can set it dynamically via the "Add a label" option.

This parameter can be used on guest links, view links, or scene links. It will be sticky to each individual video and not the browser window as a whole.

Underscores "_" used in label values will be replaced by spaces, allowing for word separation.

HTML5 Emojis 🎈 and some non-Latin characters are supported.

Font size customization

You can change the font-size without using CSS, using the &fontsize parameter. CSS is also supported though.

Font-size of labels will adjust slightly based on the window size.

Advanced Customization

CSS of the styles can be set via the OBS browser source stylesheet window. The CSS class name you can customize is called video-label.

You can copy the below code, modifying it as you desire, as a starting point. You'll still need to use &showlabels to trigger the labels to display though.

.video-label {
	color: red;
  bottom: 2vh;
	left: 50%;
	transform: translateX(-50%);
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
	border-radius: 5px;
	font-size: 0.8em;

Below is another example, this time we target the video tile class, creating a margin above the video elements. We can then move the display label into that space, creating a label that is not overlaying the video itself, but still attached.

.tile {
  margin-top: 10vh !important;
  max-height: 90vh!important;

.video-label {
	text-shadow : 0 0 10px #035;
	font-size: 7vh!important;

Last updated