
Useful for publishing to WHIP broadcast servers that support scalable video modes

WHIP Option / Sender-Side Option! (&push)


  • &scalabilitymode


Example: &svc=L1T3


(SVC value)

Takes an SVC value, with L1T3 being the most universal option, but other options exist


&svc is useful for publishing to WHIP broadcast servers that support scalable video modes. Takes an SVC value, with L1T3 being the most universal option, but other options exist. You'll get an error when publishing if you use an invalid one.

There are SVC scalable options to the WHIP output option on https://vdo.ninja/whip, making it easy to select a compatible SVC mode if desired.

Experiment with this feature here: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/extensions/svc/

WHIP and WHEP tooling

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