Community contributed tools
Awesome tools made by the community that help with common VDO.Ninja-related tasks
There's some tools out there made by the greater community that can help with common VDO.Ninja related-tasks. If you want your project listed here, please get in contact with us at the discord (
Wizard style links generator
Toggle style links generator
Another awesome link generator for VDO.Ninja
Ingest web pages as NDI-multicasted streams
Quick start guides and cheat sheets
Excel based link configuration tool
A simple Google Sheets list of most common parameters
qdaps on Discord
A Google Sheets list of all available parameters
JK14 on Discord
Excel based URL Link Configurator
JK14 on Discord
JK14 on Discord
API / IFRAME Sandbox page for developer using VDO.Ninja
Sam MacKinnon on Discord
Remote control VDON via this plugin for Companion
Select any source in OBS to be the virtual cam output
Record a source in OBS that is different than the output
Plugin for OBS; adds Audio Monitor dock and filter
Capture audio from specific window in OBS
A docker container that lets you output a VDO.Ninja to RTMP
Allow OBS to publish both Portrait (vertical) and Landscape (16:9) video at the same time.
The video engineering and live streaming community is pretty amazing, so thank you all for being so awesome. ♥
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