WHIP Parameters
Options for the &whip parameter
WHIP Parameters are specific to the WHIP and WHEP tooling.
Viewer side options
Parameter | Explanation |
Publish directly from OBS (or other) to VDO.Ninja without a virtual camera | |
Publish directly from OBS (or other) to VDO.Ninja without a virtual camera | |
Lets you specify the WHIP video output codec | |
Lets you specify the WHIP audio bitrate (kbps) | |
Lets you specify the WHIP video bitrate (kbps) | |
Scales down the WHIP video output via the URL | |
Option to change codec of the WHIP while screen-sharing | |
Option to change outbound screen-share video bitrate of WHIP | |
Accepts the special token without needing to specify the cloudflare.vdo.ninja part if using | |
| Useful for publishing to WHIP broadcast servers that support scalable video modes |
Last updated