Updates - Social Stream & Chat Overlay
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Added a 'download wait list' button to Social Stream
It downloads the current wait list of users to disk, in tsv format, which is spreadsheet compatible
By default, text to speech will not read out http link URLs anymore, instead it will just say "link"
Use &readouturls
to keep reading out the URLs instead, if you prefer
Tenor gif support added to Social Stream (so now its giphy and tenor supported)
The first beginnings of Twitch websocket support done; more to go tho
You can block the host/bots from showing up in chat now via the general-settings section, rather than the dock section, in Social Stream. This is to provide bot blocking support for the new direct to featured chat option
riverside.fm support added to Social Stream, along with an opt-out option for it
Improved the auto-scrolling logic to account for very long messages
Fixed an issue with Zoom and the Social Stream standalone app not working
Fixed an issue with ffz extensions on twitch and Social Stream
Emotes wall works with &server
mode now (rather than p2p)
Messages deleted on twitch or YouTube should auto delete in Social Stream also now (fixed some bugs on Twitch, improved extension support, YouTube support is new)
Initial support for megaphonetv.com has been added to Social Stream
The text to speech language drop down menu for Social Stream now will set &voice
filter parameter, along with the &lang
So it selects now not just the language, but also the voice, (Google vs. Microsoft vs. gendered voices; not just "en-us
Added an option to Social Stream that let guests in chat auto-queue their own message.
In the extension menu you can set the command or you can just add &selfqueue=!queue
to the dock.html page, with the string you want to be the command
Fixed a bug that prevented Social Stream from sending messages to Twitter live chat or Instagram live chat
truffle.tv support added to Social Stream
Added support for BTTV to YouTube (Social Stream)
This doesn't show the BTTV chat emojis in the YouTube chat itself, but rather adds the BTTV emotes in the Social Stream dock page.
The hope is to add more sites and 7tv, plus others over time, but this is a start
mixlr.com support added to Social Stream
Social Stream can make use of this new &lanonly
mode also.
The dock.html, index.html, and the extension itself have toggles you can enable
You'll want to enable all three &lanonly
toggles ideally, to ensure full coverage
This allows you to use Social Stream within a corporate network or on a single computer, without as much worry of it getting hacked due to a leaked session ID
If using &server
mode, that will bypass this feature of course, as server mode isn't p2p
You can now merge multiple Social Stream extension sources into a single dock, so for example, two different computers capturing chat with two different extensions installed can combine their results into a single dock.html page.
To use, just comma separate the session IDs, ie: dock.html?session=aaaaaaaaaaa,bbbbbbbbbb
If using a password, it will need to be the same with both session IDs currently
There may be other odd conflicts/quirks here or there if you use this feature, and only the dock.html has this support atm.
Added &exclude
as an option for the Social Stream dock.html page:
ie: &exclude=facebook,twitch
Lets you hide messages from specific sources; comma separated values accepted.
Added a search bar option to Social Stream; with so many parameters these days, being able to quickly find a parameter I hope is helpful
YouNow has some events added in
Name filtering now works with names containing special characters
The option to auto-grab tweets in Twitter (X) has been added (Social Stream)
Added options to create custom auto-responses, based on custom triggering command. (Social Stream)
Up to 10 triggers/responds combos can be made
Added &autoshow
as an option for the featured chat page (index.html) in Social Stream
Moderators within Social Stream are now considered members, as previously mods who were also members were not treated as so.
I'll try to sort it out so mods that aren't members aren't treatsed as members, but this will take some more time.
Added the option to add "replying to @userhere:" to captured messages in Social Stream when a message is a response.
Currently just works with Twitch, but it's a start.
Twitter post support fixed in Social Stream
added as an option to the Social Stream dock.
You can pass a source type, which will the only show messages in the dock from those sources.
There is already &onlytwitch
, but this allows for something like &onlyfrom=facebook
or custom options.
Updated Social Stream so it supports Vimm's WebSockets mode
Fixed the threads.net support on Social Stream. (the star button manually adds the post to the dock)
Also added an insta-hide and -block button to threads; cause why not.
Canadian users aren't blocked from linking out.
In Social Stream, you can now disable the ability for someone with a dock link to respond to chat.
This toggle option is in the general-mechanics section.
Added a "Clear All" button, which will clear the dock of all messages (excluding pinned), stop TTS, clear any queue, and clear the current featured chat.
Useful if you need an emergency clear button, in case someone spams the chat with something offensive or you are going live and want to clear your test messages
A sample on how to use this clear via an API is provided in the sampleapi.html page; ie: https://api.overlay.ninja/SESSIONIDHERE/clear
can be added to the dock.html page in Social Stream to prevent filtered messages from auto-featuring, when auto feature is on.
Fixed an issue with the emoji wall and not all icons being the same size.
Twitch chat pop out will not forward to the new chat site on stream end; it will stay on the original chat site despite a raid.
Some trival Twitch events can be optionally highlighted in the dock; twitch events like a viewers first time speaking in chat.
I've added code that tries to disable messages from being picked up still after the pop up has been forwarded to a new chat stream during a raid. You'll need to refresh the chat in this case to get it working again. This should help prevent chat messages from someone else's channel accidentally being picked up.
Fixed an issue with discord avatars not working anymore in social stream; plus an issue re: name/message blocking not working with Discord.
Improved support for YouNow.
shareplay.tv added to Social Stream
Live.space fix out for Social Stream, along with an opt-in channel feature, to avoid picking up chat from other channels
Updated the Social Stream code with some more error handling to the &server
mode logic
Dialect support in Social Stream's Text to speech fixed; i.e: en-UK vs en-US, should be working now
Added the TTS menu to
Padding improvements and "member for N months" added to featured chat badge
jaco.live added to Social Stream
Google font options added to the hypemeter, wait list, etc, as well now; plus fixes
The Extension version of Social Stream also has had some bug fixes pushed; an error related to user blocking caused some bot action to fail.
Added dozens of new advanced transition in/out effects for the dock.html page.
Video of the transitions effects mentioned above
You can specify a Google font in Social Stream now; works for the dock or the featured chat page.
https://fonts.google.com/ fonts for reference are here; you just need to enter the name
added as an option to the dock page now; you can also enable it via the menu. this adds vertical spacing to the lines.
In this case , it's padding=5, but that's 5px x 2 = 10px pixels total. 5 is the default for &padding
, but you can specify your own amount
I also modified the default vertical padding, even if not using &padding; there's now a small bit of extra padding to make things a bit more readable
Fixed an issues where the session IDs still were not saving in some cases. Hopefully that's fixed now, after updating the extension.
For those so inclined to make their own overlays for Social Stream from scratch, I've created a basic and bare HTML template for reference.
No functions like TTS or customization via URL parameters; it's just a simple fixed overlay with minimal code.
It can be used as a featured overlay or as a dock-alternative, with all messages. see the code for reference.
Pushed an update for Firefox and the Social Stream extension; it brings back basic Firefox support to the extension.
You'll need to installed it via the about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
page as a temporary extension I guess? Or self-sign it.
The hide/only Twitch option for Social Stream added to the index.html page also now.
Twitch subs work again as 'stream events' that you can capture.
More Easter eggs added to the Twitter integration.
Social Stream updates
Added an option to hide or limit to just Twitch chat.
Works for just the dock.html page currently; if you need it for other things, let me know.
This could be helpful if you wanted two dock pages open; one for an OBS with Twitch output and one OBS with an output for everything else.
You can also use the "filter messages" text bar in the dock menu to do th same, using source:youtube
if you wanted to just show youtube, or source:!youtube
if you wanted anything but YouTube chat.
tl;dr; Twitch officially allows simulcasting now, but not consolidated chat, so this I hope might help with that.
Also updated the Social Stream standalone app; https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/releases/tag/0.1.4 (mac/win64)
It's still very much in 'just a preview test" mode, though I've trying to work thru all the issues. Please bare with me if you have issues with it.
I updated the sample custom.js
file for Social Stream with the option to allow your public chat to control your OBS scenes with chat !commands
In the provided sample code, when a guest types !cycle
into chat, it will tell your OBS to switch to the next available scene, cycling between them all. Timeout of 10-seconds between uses.
More details and the code, check out here: https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/issues/148#issuecomment-1793594605
Added a 'goodwords.txt' option to Social Stream
If the file is present in your extension's folder, messages will be filtered out (**) if they are not included in the provided good words list.
MacOS support added to the Standalone version of Social Stream
Several bugs fixed in the standalone version https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/releases/tag/0.1.1
Fixed an issue with TikTok events not working
Social Stream updates
Fixed an issue with duplicate messages and cozy.tv.
I'm putting out a "still-in-development preview" version of the Social Stream Standalone app -- I've been poking at this project for the past year, and due to frequent requests for it I'm making it available as a preview-build. -- I'd say 90% of the features available in the extension work in this standalone version, with the interface about 50% done. -- Available as an installer for Windows x64 only at this point, but a Mac build is probably not far off.
Improved &floatup
; supports &showtime now, to control speed, plus OBS fixes.
caffeine.tv support added to Social Stream.
Font-resizing for long messages is no longer enabled by default on the featured chat page; you'll need to now use &fontfit
to enable it. (it's available as a toggle under featured->style)
YouTube chat from channel members can have all their chat be considered as "membership chat" now, rather than just their monthly highlighted messages. This can be enabled via the general mechanics option.
and &showonlydonos
added to the Social Stream's dock.html page, as URL options.
sesssions.us added to Social Stream
whatnot.com added to Social Stream. (no pop out, so just open the watch page and pause the video I guess)
steamcommunity.com live chat added to Social Stream. ie: https://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/chatonly/XXXXXXX
younow.com support added to Social Stream (since there's no pop out chat; just use the main view page)
cozy.tv support added to Social Stream
Align messages to the right-side of the screen added to Social Stream; for both the dock and featured chat pages
Right-to-left read language forced support added to message text; it's set to automatic detection by default however.
The featured chat messages can "stack" on top of each other now, although this is a work in progress.
https://boltplus.tv/ support added to Social Stream.
Facebook sticker support added to Social Stream
Added an option to filter for 'members' to the dock's menu
Updated Social Stream, attempting to fix some issues with relayed messages sometimes duplicating, etc. This includes also a change to avoid publishing to the same chat window if open in two different tabs; URL matching based, so not 100% ideal.
A few minor fixes and additions to Social Stream the last couple days, like the option to opt-in to showing "user joined" messages from TikTok.
Added initial support for language localizations to Social Stream. -- So far some pop-up menu text and a few Twitch/YouTube donation labels are supported -- I've added a "test" translation file, with a couple translations added, to try it out -- Actual translations for other languages still need to be actually added. (difficulty level: 3/10) -- (German was added*)
Added the option to use a !custom command for the waitlist trigger
Added the option to use a custom title message for he wait list page
Clarified the language/style to make it a bit clearer that you have to enable the page for it to work
On Social Stream now:
If you delete a message as a mod/host on Twitch, it will now propagate to the Dock, deleting all messages from that user in the dock. (other chat sites will be added eventually). Future messages from that user will not be blocked though.
If you right click on a message, you'll have an option to block a user now. It will propagate to other open docks automatically, however, these blocks will reset after a page reload unless you have the Hide and block specified users
toggle enabled. Users blocked via right-clicking will be added to that block list, but you'll need to toggle it on for it to persist on each page load.
Adding a user to the Hide and block specified users
will have it retroactively delete all messages from that user from all open docks.
MS Teams "enterprise" chat now working; not just the personal version. -- update Social Stream to access
added to Social Stream, which shows the timestamp in military time rather than 12hr time.
The option al set up automated broadcast messages at specified time intervals also added to Social Stream; option to set added to the settings menu.
estrim support added to Social Stream.
Migrated away from sync-save to local-save data for some of the save settings in Social Stream; lets me save more data.
livestorm.io chat added to Social Stream; open the "external sidebar" version of the event chat to use.
added to Social Stream; hides all but pinned messages. This is useful for a synced second dock, perhaps on air talent, to see which messages you want them to see.
mode as a toggle is more accessible and clearly defined as to what it does in the menu list
Updated the HTML/XSS input sanitizing logic for all the social chat integrations
Added support for Stripe payments to Social Stream, so you can have successful payments made using Stripe show up as messages in Social Stream.
Option to hide specific events in socialstream added. Takes comma,separated,values, and if any of those match a word in the event message, it will be blocked.
Updated Social Stream with new relay options:
Added the option to relay just donations from sites to all other sites; stated as a thank you.
The emotes-wall with Social Stream has two new adjustable options
-- &limit=10
, so you can limit the max emotes allowed at a time
-- &speed=2
, this will double the speed of the emotes; can take decimal values as well
Use now manually, or update and enable via new toggle switches in the emotes section.
floatplane.com added to Social Stream
Added ElevenLabs.io Text to Speech support to Social Stream ; https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/blob/main/README.md#eleven-labs-tts this service seems to allow you to train your own custom high quality speech models? anyways, it's available now.
Google premium TTS and elevenlabs TTS added have support now in the dock.html page (not just in the index.html). TTS messages will queue automatically and will be cleared with the TTS is stopped/paused.
arena.tv added to Social Stream
bandlab.com added to Social Stream
added as a toggle to Social Stream; this will make the content-images (like giphy images, twitter/IG posts, larger in the dock)
Social Stream updates
roll20.net had some updates
Owncast support fixed
General other patches/fixes
Added a !giphy
chat command to Social Stream. You'll need to add you own Giphy API key in the extension settings to use this feature, but once enabled, chat messages containing !giphy
will have an animated GIF get included with the message.
vkplay.live support added to Social Stream
Added stream events (non chat messages, like subs) to Twitch via Social Stream
Added support for "Hype Chat" (aka, super chat but on Twitch) to Social Stream
Added YouTube static comment support to Social Stream.
You can now make a file called badwords.txt
in Social Stream, with a line by line list of bad words to filter out from chat.
-- There's already a default blacklist of common bad words to filter out, but making your own badwords.txt will override that default list. -- You still need to enable the badwords toggle in the menu for this to use your list. -- The extension or browser needs to be reloaded if you change the badwords.txt file for it to update.
7tv support with kick.com added to Social Stream
Xeenon.xyz support added to Social Stream also
Fixed some Social Stream issues where &random
caused messages to appear off screen at times in OBS.
TikTok stream events fixed for Socialstream, along with some odysee and a few other fixes pushed.
Fixed an issue in Socialstream's random name color option, which now works with the background name color config option.
Social Stream's filter mode can be customized via the menu to name only on name, rather than name and message.
The text-to-speech option will not trigger on messages that are filtered.
Fixed an issue where large avatars + branding icons weren't working well together.
buzzit.ca chat support added to Social Stream (added via community member: Skintillion)
https://kiwiirc.com/ support added to Social Stream + fix for quakenet irc.
Added a URL option called &passttl
to the dock page of Social Stream. When enabled, when someone types in !pass
into chat, it cancels the current text to speech queue.
The Social Stream and VDO.Ninja HTTP/WSS remote API server went thru some changes; let me know if you have any sudden new issues
Numerous small fixes applied to Social Stream. bttv, kick, etc.
loco.gg, rooter.gg, and joystick.tv support added to Social Stream. (donations/badges not supported yet tho)
Support for international "display names" on Twitch added to Social Stream (via ZiLin on GitHub, thank you)
When using Social Stream, and it's remote API interface, you can now target specific docks with your API requests by assigning a target name to each dock.html page using &label
For example:
Dock with the name "NAMEHERE": https://socialstream.ninja/dock.html?session=XXXXXXXXXXXXX&server&sync&label=NAMEHERE
Can be targeted with the API format like this: https://api.vdo.ninja/XXXXXXXXXXXXX/nextInQueue/NAMEHERE/null
This was needed because if you had multiple docks connected to the API interface, you'd trigger multiple messages to be featured at a time (one per dock), when you'd want only one.
Fixed an issue with pinning + sync logic with Social Stream
Fixed an issue where badges on Twitch didn't show when using 7TV
tradingview.com support added to Social Stream
Added &opacity=0.3
to Social Stream; lets you make the text/dock partially transparent.
Social stream updates:
Fixed an issue with 7TV v3 and usernames not being coloured
Fixed an issue where Pinned messages in YouTube chat would be duplicated in the dock; attempted to fix some other duplication issues.
Updated Electron Capture so that you can toggle the "click thru and pin on top" with a global keyboard shortcut. (CTRL + SHIFT + X
-- This Electron Capture update relates to Social Stream because you can use it to overlay the dock chat on your display (such as while gaming?) without it getting in the way of what you're doing. (see photo for example)
Updated Social Stream to support the recently pushed 7TV v3.0 extension (which broke the old version of Social Stream).
Also improved the scrolling function; should be less jerky now (rewrote the logic; I hope its bug free. please let me know if not).
Added some TTS options, such as only read out every 3rd message, and optionally tell the TTS to not say "xxxx says yyyy"; just the name + message.
added to Social Stream; this will try to reload the last 40 to 50 messages in the dock after a page refresh, so you don't lose all your messages if something needs a refresh or things crash.
IRC support added to Social Stream via https://webchat.quakenet.org/.
tellonym.me support added to Social Stream.
Social Stream update:
added to Social Stream, which lets a synced dock user set pins/queues, but not control the featured chat requests. Helpful if you need someone to manage your messages for you while live.
Twitter "start overlay" button when using Social Stream won't show if the extension is disabled
Social Stream update:
Expanded the number of Social Stream !commands to 20.
Now removing text-based alt names for emojis when filtering images/emojis.
Social Stream update:
is an added parameter to Social Stream; if added to the dock.html page, it will disable any sort of message selection / message sending actions. Useful if you want to share a link with someone, but whom you don't want to actually interfere with the overlay/broadcast/chat. (limited security of course, since they can remove the parameter if they wanted to)
Also added &questionsonly
, &hidequestions
, &stripemoji
Support for castr.io overlay and wix.com chat added to Social Stream
Fixed a bugs with the remote http API feature in the extension now always turning on/off as expected
Added the option to send messages to a specific social site via the API. ie: https://api.vdo.ninja/XXXXXX/sendEncodedChat/twitch/!socials
. (note that the target is not null in this case, but 'Twitch') You can use this to perhaps trigger a command that's Twitch specific or send custom messages based on the site.
Social Stream updates for today:
When turning off autoshow, the auto-show queue will stop and clear.
You can control whether to show firstname / names in the featured chat page now; not just the dock. The dock's settings will take priority over the overlay's page if enabled though.
The open-chat functionality opens a window or tab based on the destination, to offer best performance. (added by River)
Social Stream has had the "open chat automatically" functionality improved a lot the last couple days. @River played a large part in that.
Fixed/improved the Slack integration; emojis, etc, should work now
Added some options to add custom URLs to the auto-open chat feature; doesn't need to be a chat window
Fixed an issue with the darkmode toggle state not saving/loading correctly
Social Stream had some fixes: locals.com fix, hide-emoji/beep function fix
Added a section to specify and auto-open the chat-windows with a single click via the extension. This was developed in part with @River
added as a dock option; this will specify the time per character that a message will show on screen when using the auto-show feature. 60ms is the default; longer messages will show for longer.
sli.do support added to Social Stream; works with the Q&A section via the participant link
Added rokfin.com to Social Stream
Menu on Social Stream tweaked to be a bit easier to see, based on user feedback
Further tweaked the menu in Social Stream; thank you River
for that.
Added instafeed.me support to Social Stream
Some of the new tweaks made to the UX includes the option to immediately "stop" voice-to-speak, if you accidentally enable it. You can also right-click a message to enable TTS on it, and none others. If you need the old version of the dock.html page still, it's available at socialstream.ninja/dock2.html
Telegram.com/z/ for Social Stream also patched a bit; now if you specify a host-name in the menu, it will use that as your telegram name (rather than not know it)
Submitted an application to gain access to the YouTube chat API; wrote some code into VDO.Ninja / Social Stream to support it. I'm trying to see if I can offer a secondary way to access YouTube/Twitch chat data streams without an extra window open.
Added a parameter called &twolines
to the dock.html page, which puts the name/avatar of the guest on its own line
Fixed Twitch support on chat.overlay.ninja (the older / alternative Social Stream extension)
Fixed a few dock.html issues on Social Stream, such as queuing sync and message scaling not working as expected in edge cases
Toggle added to Social Stream to disable the green name that YouTube-members get (Social Stream)
Fixed support for kick.com and nimo live
Added &lang=xxxx
), which you can use instead of &speech=xxx
. When using &lang
, it will not enable it by default. (Social Stream)
Higher resolution YouTube avatar images are used in Social Stream and its third party outputs now
Social Stream can now filter out messages starting with !
; it's a toggle option that's useful to filtering out bot commands on Twitch/FB chat,etc.
There's an HTTP API option to toggle the auto-show mode now
Social Stream has documentation, sample code, and better support for server-side message sourcing -- so if you want to issue messages from a server (instead of web scraping) to the service, that works now. (https://socialstream.ninja/sampleapi.html)
Added a toggle to hide !commands from chat in Social Stream
You can choose to include or block non-chat events from the social stream feed now, like "John joined the stream". It only works on a few sites currently, but more can be added in time. (tiktok, for example, included)
When using &autoshow
, there's a small queue now, so if there's a sudden spike of messages, up to around 30-seconds of messages will be queued before being skipped.
Right clicking a message in socialstream will show a menu now, where you can pin/queue or even now Delete a message. Delete will auto-delete from all docks, even if &sync
isn't used, this way its more intuitive when trying to delete a message from an OBS dock overlay.
Details on how to publish messages from Social Stream to third-party overlay systems is up: https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/blob/main/README.md#remote-server-api-support-publish-messages-to-third-parties So far support for singular, h2r, and generic post requests is available.
kick.com added to Social Stream.
chatroll.com added to Social Stream. I think it works on most websites given its an embedded IFrame, but let me know if there's a deployment its not working with.
Added branded-channel icon support for rumble to Social Stream.
Fixed WhatsApp support for Social Stream
Support for locals.com added to Social Stream
Social Stream has been updated so that clicking the currently active selected message in the dock will clear the message, rather than re-post it.
A one @ojacques on GitHub contributed Amazon Chime support to Social Stream; thank you.
Added host-avatar support to MS Teams for Social Stream
Social Stream updated: -- pushed a fix for MS teams -- improved user avatar support for Amazon live -- for Twitch and Amazon, added a hacky fix to keep a chat streaming even when the source tab is hidden
Added the &js
command to Socialstream by request, so you can inject custom javascript into the dock or overlay pages. Just make sure its URL encoded. Example use: https://socialstream.ninja/index.html?session=test123&js=https%3A%2F%2Fvdo.ninja%2Fexamples%2Ftestjs.js
More details here: https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/blob/main/README.md#custom-javascript
bilibili.tv support added to Socialstream
Added &nooutline
to Socialstream.ninja's dock, which disables the text-outlining of fonts
clouthub added to Socialstream
piczel.tv support added to Socialstream
Refined Socialstream's dock style a bit, along with fixed some issues with the remote wss/http API
omlet.gg added to Socialstream
Fixed an issue re: settings not saving in socialstream
Added &hidebots
as a toggle option to Socialstream, which hides messages from bots, hosts, or specified names from appearing in the chat stream.
Glimesh.tv support added to Socialstream
Fixed an issue where queued messages would become hidden once it hit the visual limit
Fixed a discord not-working issue
Fixed a twitch doubling up message issue
Fixed an issue with pinned messages when lastpass extension is installed
Support for @mention added to Mixcloud for Socialstream+touch, by means of providing the username that scripts can respond to (by user request).
added to the Socialstream dock; this aligns the message stream to the bottom by default, rather than top.
Added &transparent
(versus the new &hideshadow
), which can be useful for loading Socialstream into non-OBS studios.
Socialstream bug fixes, along with donation support added to Mixcloud.
Added workplace.com support to Social Stream
The queue-order of messages now is visible with little numbers on the left-side of the message. Changes to the queue are synced across docks when using &sync
slido.com support added to chat.overlay.ninja
New features for SocialStream.ninja, by requests - option to sync multiple docks has been added. Add &sync
to the docks that you want to share state between, and if enabled, when one dock selects a message, the other dock then treats that message locally as if it was already pressed, so they know what the other dock selected. (syncing queues I'll try to add later on)
Added option to strip HTML from the dock as a URL parameter (rather than at the point of capture in the extension). Applies to donations, messages, and usernames.
Option to save the last message received to a specified file added. It will over-write on each new message. It can be used either from the dock or without any dock (from the extension directly) You can use this to with apps that monitor files for changes, creating your own custom overlays. Stores the data as JSON, but I welcome feedback as to a better option.
Added the option to send featured-chat messages from SocialStream's dock to the overlay page via a websocket server, in case the viewing destination doesn't support webrtc. (by request)
You can push from server-side chat sources or via web-sockets to the dock page now, too. I created a sample source script to reference if you want to give it a go sample_wss_source.html
Updated socialstream.ninja to support &password
. You need to set the password via the extension settings page, which is a bit hidden.
Added theta.tv support to socialstream.ninja (via its pop out chat).
Added support for LinkedIn "live" to socialstream.ninja (already had support for linkedin events).
Minnit and livepush are social chat sources that have been added to socialstream.ninja (by request).
chat.overlay has had an issue with messages auto-clearing after a minute fixed.
Fixed some style issues with socialstream; mainly related to donos from twitch.
Added a new option called &autoshowdonos
, which when used with &autoshow
, will auto feature highly donation messages.
Added a new "send test message" to socialstream's extension menu (at the bottom) -- it lets you emulate an inbound social message for quick testing/setup.
Added an option to align messages near center. &split
(socialstream feature)
Added some polish to the Facebook integration and dock layout as well; tweaking issues here and there
Added google cloud premium text to speech support to socialstream.ninja. You need to bring your own API key though; I'm not including that part. details on GitHub: https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream#premium-tts-voice-options
More polish for socialstream.ninja, including more ruggedness added for Telegram (webK and webZ) and Discord.
Fixed some issues with discord integration on socialstream
Improved mac support for text-to-speech feature in socialstream
Added &chroma=0f0
as a URL option for socialstream; lets you set the background colors for the pages. Defaults to green for chroma keying
vimm.tv and odysee support added to socialstream.ninja, plus some other minor tweaks
Socialstream and chat.overlay have been updated to support YouTube gift sponsorships
Added support for dlive.tv, mobcrush, and picarto.tv live chat to the socialstream.ninja extension
Fixed support for Facebook with socialstream.ninja; also optimized the code to reduce CPU load a bit
Socialstream.Ninja was updated to support more languages when using text-to-speech. As in, it no longer says "says" when reading out messages in anything but English, since 'says' wasn't being translated correctly. This patch should auto-update.
Added badge support to Social Stream (so far Twitch, YouTube, Facebook supported)
Introduced another performance optimizations to the way YouTube avatars are handled, which I hope will reduce the load caused by heavy YouTube chat streams.
Fixed an issue with doubling of some messages when using socialstream.ninja on Facebook.
socialstream.ninja supports text-to-speech with the docking page also now; this auto reads out-loud most inbound messages automatically, including donations. This feature is useful when you can't read the chat, such as when playing a VR game, but still want to follow what's going on. Not advised to actually have the speech output to the stream, since trolls are gonna troll.
You can also specify names in the socialstream settings, which prevent messages from those accounts from being read out loud. You can include your own name or/and a bot name, for example.
Text-to-speech added to social stream, ie: index.html?session=XXXXXX&speech=en-US
; it has a couple limitations, mainly being the audio can only play out via the default system speakers, so you'll need a virtual audio cable if you wish to integrate it into OBS. Still, its functional if you need it.
trovo support added to socialstream.ninja (pop out trovo chat window to use)
Twitch avatar logic updated for socialstream.ninja and chat.overlay.ninja.
added as an option for both the dock page and the featured chat page; this hides avatar images. (socialstream)
Added a toggle to socialstream's pop up menu that prevents YouTube avatars from loading, reducing CPU usage.
rumble.com support added to socialstream.ninja and several fixes for tiktok/vimeo.
can be added to index.html of socialstream to round the edges.
can be added also, to hide avatar images from appear in message overlays. (on GitHub)
Facebook producer-page support fixed on socialstream.ninja
Stylized the dock a bit on socialstream a bit; more contrast to background color
when selecting a message in the dock to add it to a queue. You can then press the "next queued" button in the dock to highlight messages from the queue. (socialstream)
Hold ALT
when selecting message in the dock to "Pin" it to the top of the dock. You can hold ALT
and click it to unpin and remove the message. (socialstream)
Slack chat support added via @olivier jacques's code contribution; thank you very kindly and very well done. (socialstream)
Appending &save
to dock.html with socialstream.ninja will auto-save incoming chat messages to disk.
Chrome web store version of chat.overlay.ninja updated to newest; should auto update if you installed that version.
Fixed TikTok support on socialstream. (broke)
Added amazon.com/live chat support to socialstream.ninja
Added restream.io support to socialstream.ninja
Added simple Telegram support to socialstream.ninja
Added LinkedIn events comments and Cisco Webex live chat support to socialstream.ninja
Added support for VDO.Ninja's pop out chat to socialstream.ninja.
Fixed an issue with chat.overlay.ninja and its twitter integration
Added more Facebook support to the Socialstream extension, such pop-up chat support, producer-side auto commenting, and a bit of message anti-duplication code.
Added &fade
and &swipe
as two new transition styles for the Social Stream featured chat overlay; messages can be configured to fade-in without moving or slide in from the left-side of the screen. (instead of popping up from the bottom)
Added some CSS class names to make setting custom CSS easier and cleaned up some of the code; very much overdue.
Added support for Instagram live to Socialstream
Added support for TikTok live to Socialstream
Updated Socialstream to auto-feature-select incoming messages. Button toggle or URL parameter to enabled it via the dock. Updates at a rate of 2 per 3 seconds max.
By request, made a simple tool that lets you enter a VDO.Ninja group scene link and a featured chat overlay link; you'll get a single combined link in return. When using that combined link, when a featured chat is active, the group scene link is made smaller to make room for the chat message. When that message clears, the group chat returns to full screen. This can be found at: socialstream.ninja/automix or chat.overlay.ninja/automix; feedback welcomed.
added as an option to Social Stream. It hides the other menu buttons, keeping just the chat.
Added a way to clear / reset all your Social Stream settings
Option added to specify a default avatar image for guests without one
This should technically allow me to get BTTV/7TV working within the standalone app, but also could work with all chat platforms
Previously you had to manually select tweets; now you can use an auto mode to just grab any it sees
Found under general settings -> !commands
It essentially will auto show all messages, but without needing the dock open.
Added a dock-only option to hide messages that are numbers-only (Social Stream)
Toggle to enable/disable it; no URL parameter needed.
The emotes wall in Social Stream supports flag emojis correctly now
Fixed some CSS issues, such as bubble-mode not including the name in the bubble when there was no message content
Added a "none" option to the transition options
For Tiktok, I added 'subscriber', 'moderator', and 'rank' colors to user names. I welcome feedback.
Also added an option to have emotes from members-only show up on the emotes wall.
Twitter live video chat supported by Social Stream now. No avatar support, but that's coming eventually.
Added flag support to Social Stream
Added an option to hide messages based on custom start words; takes comma separated values
Added support for Ko-Fi's donations to Social Stream; works via WebHook Details here: https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/blob/main/README.md#ko-fi-webhook-donation-support
I warn the user in the dock when their messages are longer than 200-characters now (YouTube's chat limit length).
I have an option to trim messages down in length that are sent to third party sites to be shorter when longer than a specified length.
The emotes-wall in Social Stream now has an option to have the emotes float up, rather than just bounce around.
The wait list overlay option in Social Stream now has a "random user draw" option added, which lets you select a random user who entered. A few buttons and options were added to the extension to customize the behavior and to select winners and clear/reset the entries as needed.
and removefromwaitlist
are API actions added to Social Stream to control the wait list overlay.
removefromwaitlist will remove a user from the waitlist (default is the first user)
highlightwaitlist will highlight the select user in the waitlist (default is the first user; seen in first screen shot)
-- With either command, an optinonal passed value can be specified as well, which reflects which user to target (as an integer value reflecting order), or pass 0 *default) to target the next available user in the list. 1 is the first user in the list, 2 second, or 0 the first unselected user.
-- The sampleapi.html page has some test buttons to trigger (as shown in second screen shot)
-- You'll need to enable the remote http/wss API in the general extension settings to enable this remote API
-- The API can be triggered via HTTP, so you can use it with a streamdeck; ie: https://api.vdo.ninja/SESSIONIDHERE/highlightwaitlist/0
MS Teams now is opt-in for Social Stream
Since a popular Twitch auto-collect channel-points extension became adware earlier today, I've now added my own twitch automatic points-collection feature to Social Stream.
With Twitter being renamed X, I've updated the twitter icon used by Social Stream. I however added an option to re-twitter the branding, using the twitter icon in Social Stream if desired instead. -- Just for some added fun, I update the branding on the Twitter website itself, back to to Twitter, when this option is enabled.
I've expanded the number of translation text fragments for Social Stream to over 330, so if you're bored, feel free to contribute your language. -- A page is up on how to contribute translations (simple enough): https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/tree/main/translations -- We've already had a few sentences in German contributed by our resident Paddy Lu.
There's a new stream event option added, where events can be set to 'fade up and away', to avoid competing with the actual chat messages. -- This idea is based on what TikTok is doing with events, although I like to think my version of it is nicer.
Added a wait-list feature to Social Stream; it is a standalone overlay page (waitlist.html)
-- The idea is users in chat can type !queue
, and when they do they will be added to a list of users.
-- Ordered based on the time line of the user entering the !queue command; duplicate entries ignored.
-- The list can be reset or turned off/on via the extension menu.
-- This feature was by request, I suppose to allow users to raise their hand to join in some event. It will evolve based on feedback.
Due to many users having their docks set as narrow overlays, I've modified the default style to collapse into multi-lines when the width is less than 660px in OBS (or 330px in Chrome). You can get something similar with &compact
, but some users were having trouble discovering that flag.
-- Hopefully this makes it easier to use, without breaking any existing user setups. let me know though if having problems.
Added a 'hype meter' to Social Stream to offer insight into total actively engaged viewers; an alternative to 'viewer counts'. -- keeps track of unique names seen per chat source in the last 5 minutes. -- the more engaged your viewers are with the chat, the higher the score. Might encourage more chatting. -- this is a new dedicated overlay page -- basic styling options included, such as align left/right, disabling outlining, scale, etc
In Social Stream, added the option to have de-selected messages become unhighlighted again, rather than stay green. (&unhighlight
Added an option to change the font-family type in social stream via a drop down setting, and also via &font=xxxx
made the "test message" button more accessible in the extension (pinned at the top now)
The dock in Social Stream can now be configured to send its commands (fake chat or open chat pop out windows) via server instead of p2p. -- The dock could be configured already to accept messages via WebSockets, but now you can have it also reply to messages. -- This is mainly in the case you can't get WebRTC working
-- Name, Message, and donation amount are support currently -- Use a Stripe payment link (as a donation page if needed), point it to the SocialStream webhook API , and make a few setting changes -- And you're good to go -- Details/Guide: https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/blob/main/README.md#stripe-webhook-donation-support
can be used on the dock page, or there is a toggle and text-input in the extension that will apply globally.
Support for vstream.com
and live.space
added to Social Stream
OpenAI's chat page added as a supported site to Social Stream, which opens up some interesting bot actions I guess.
Added 6 more custom chat auto-start options to Social Stream; up from 3. This was by request. Hopefully that's enough?
Added the option to relay all incoming messages from one chat site to all other active chats on other sites -- I try to ignore duplicates, and I've added a 1 second timeout, to avoid too much spamming. -- image-based emojis and images won't be relayed; just text and maybe some normal text-emojis supported.
Fixed an issue where the auto-hi option was saying hit to all sites, not just the site that the hi came from.
Few minor fixes to Social Stream, mainly to TikTok
Added Threads.net support to Social Stream (little button appears under each post to let you select).
The giphy support has an option for #somekeyword now. related images from giphy will be used. You can concat hashtags for mulitword search. eg:#Hello#kitty
-- The GIF image selected will be based on the words in the chat message; top closest match. -- I'll probably change this feature as time goes on, to improve it, but let me know what you think. -- How can it be better?
You need to activate it in the top-right corner of YouTube to have the buttons appear next to each comment you wish to push to Social Stream. To activate, press the small SS button when SocialStream is enabled to have the "Send to Social Stream" buttons appear.
afreecatv.com support added to Social Stream. Update the extension and pop out chat to use.
Added more options on how to colorize names in Social Stream** -- This was added to allow a host to put people into their own team by setting the name to a limited set of colors. -- You can have color options (teams) ranging from 1 to several thousand. -- You can also change the randomization seed so you can put people into different teams on the fly.
Added the option to filter Social Stream messages by the source destination. You'll need to enable the alt filter mode in the filter search bar, and then use source:SOURCENAME
, so ie: source:twitch
or source:youtube
Added a bad word black list option to Social Stream. This option replaces matched words with ***. Currently the bad word list is hard-coded in, but it can be changed/expanded based on feedback.
Added an option to save a list of all unique names seen in chat to disk, as a simple text list. (Social Stream) -- You will need to select a file location before it starts saving. -- It only saves each name once, without timestamp or additional meta data. -- You can open the file while its still recording, to see the current sate of number of unique chatters, etc. -- Start/stop support works, which will also start a new list once started again.
https://github.com/steveseguin/electroncapture/releases/tag/ <= Test version of Electron Capture with this new feature; windows build
Initial guest avatar image support added to kick.com on Social Stream.
Added the option to send messages from extension -> dock via the websocket server, rather than p2p
Opt out of YouTube / Twitch capture added, along with the ability to specify a single Twitch channel to only capture from.
I updated the sample API page https://socialstream.ninja/sampleapi.html
with the option to customize the input values of faked messages.
Zoom's Q&A should now work with Social Stream. Questions from the Q&A will be pushed to the dock automatically, and colored blue.
Twitter post support added to Social Stream; you will need to manually select the tweet you want to push to the dock though. (I'll play with this a bit more based on feedback.) :
Added to Social Stream the option to map a chat command to some webhook API. Just an easy way to get started with making bot-actions, such as turning on a light. Happy to evolve this based on feedback.
can be added to the dock to auto open all the saved chat locations on dock load/refresh
With Social Stream, you can use &fixed
on the dock page now, which places messages in the same place (overlapping the last one). When combined with &limit=1
, you can get a neat one-message bar auto-featured chat effect.
ie: https://socialstream.ninja/dock.html?bubble&color&hidemenu&hideshadow&largeavatar&nobadges&nooutline¬ime&limit=1&fadeout&fixed&alignbottom&session=XXXXXXXX
and &bubble
added to Social Stream styling options; when combined, you can see what they look like in the attached images.
Added an emotes-wall function to Social Stream (emojis from chat will bounce around the window).
-- This was added by a user's request; it works with all sites Social Stream supports; not just Twitch. BTTV and animated emojis are supported as well.
-- Please report any issues with freezing/CPU issues. I've designed it to be low on CPU, but who knows.
-- To use, https://socialstream.ninja/emotes.html?session=XXXXXXXXXX&showtime=5000
or update the extension.
Social Stream has a new menu-bar design; our Discord member @💎╲⎝⧹River⧸⎠╱💎 helped with the new icons, updated much of the UI, compressed the images files down, and improved many aspects of the menu's UX. A fantastic job really; thank you. (I should also mention @Sunadmiral on Discord, as she contributed some menu bar / icon concepts and designs as well, which influenced the redesign).
Option added to right-click and trigger text to speech on a message (Social Stream dock)
Google Meet support added to Social Stream. (you'll need to toggle it on explicitly to use, for privacy reasons)
Added an option to randomize the color of names in Social Stream if no name color is already provided.
Social Stream's dock page now shows the Twitch avatars in the chat stream; it's not just limited to the featured-chat overlay.
Export / import of settings added to Social Stream. Might need to testing to confirm working with all settings tho.
Added support for NIMO.tv to Social Stream
Added Instagram post (non-live) comments to Social Stream. You will need to enable this via the menu, since this is a pretty non-obvious integration for Social Stream.
Updated Socialstream to support custom themes/templates. I've provided an example theme that you can use or base your own themes on. see: https://github.com/steveseguin/social_stream/tree/main/themes for more.
Added more animated style options for how messages appear into the chat stream, such as slide in, fade in, and drop in.
The WSS/HTTPS APi for Socialstream has have had a few new commands added: next-in-queue, clear-featured-overlay, and an event that alerts the user to the size of the queue.
Added an option to save incoming chat messages to an excel-file within SocialStream's menu (by request)
Added the option to show "only" the queued messages in the dock
added to SocialStream; it can be used with the dock to randomize where messages appear on screen.
Using &beep
or the bell icon will trigger audio 'beeps' when new messages appear in the Socialstream dock. Requires user-interaction with the page in chrome for the audio to work.
New MIDI control feature for Social Stream: - the option to select a file containing text-strings for use with the MIDI-command option is available - sample file is included in the extension folder; edit it and select it from the extension menu (JSON format) - you shouldn't have to reload the file each time you open the browser; just when you reload the extension or when you want to update the commands with a newer file.
Social Stream has had it's pop-out menu UI updated, courtesy of the one and only @jcalado (there's dark-mode support now, also) #pretty
Added support for FFZ twitch extension to socialstream
socialstream.ninja was updated to support horizontal scrolling for the dock page (&horizontal
) and extra-large emojis (&emoji
Added per-user colorized names (opt-in option; Twitch/YouTube supported)
Added the option to show only first-names with social stream's dock; creates more room for messages. Use via menu toggle or use &firstnames
Accurate YouTube + Twitch channels icons can show now with socialstream.ninja. Add &branded
to the the dock/index page to trigger.
Toggle for Text to Speech added to the dock. Turning it off cancels any current read-out.
You can now customize the colors of the socialstream.ninja featured chat overlay via the menu (applies to new messages).
Made the background of the control bar opaque; easier to see now, I hope.
Added a "bad karma" filter to socialstream.ninja. It uses machine learning to filter out messages that are considered "negative". Lets say ~80% accurate.
Updated socialstream.ninja to pass-thru the donation/membership colors to the overlay, to act as the message background, instead of the default grey.