Social Stream Ninja
Consolidate your live social messaging streams, including YouTube, Twitch, and more, into a single chat stream that can be docked into OBS
Consolidate your live social messaging streams, including YouTube, Twitch, and more, into a single chat stream that can be docked into OBS and be used to to select featured chat messages as an overlay.
Very much like Chat Overlay Ninja, except is purely for live chat and has a focus on consolidation of chat messages, instead of just featured chat. Has many features and supported sites at this point.
Get support on the Discord if you have any problems: 💬│social-stream-ninja
Standalone App
I'm putting out a "still-in-development preview" version of the Social Stream Standalone App I've been poking at this project for the past year, and due to frequent requests for it I'm making it available as a preview-build.
I'd say 90% of the features available in the extension work in this standalone version, with the interface about 50% done.
Available as an installer for Windows x64 and macOS.

Updates - Social Stream & Chat OverlayUpdates - Social Stream Standalone AppLast updated
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