
Lets the director perform alongside guests, showing up in scene-view links

Director Option / Viewer-Side Option! (&director, &scene)


  • &sd


Example: &showdirector=3


1 | (no value given)

should allow everything from the director into the scene, except webpage shares and widget shares


allows the director's video from the director in scenes, but not audio


should allow the director's screen share to appear scene links, but not their main camera stream


allows everything, including iframe/webpage shares


This URL value can be added to the director's URL (&director=roomname&showdirector) or to the scene link (&scene&showdirector) when you wish the director to appear in those links. You can also enable this flag a couple other ways.

  • As a director, you will now appear as a performer kind of like other performers.

  • The ability to add/remove the director's camera/audio from scenes becomes available, including a new highlight guest option, the ability to record, re-order, and more.

  • By default, a director normally won't appear in any scene link or group link, and has limited functions available.

  • When a director enables their camera, while in &showdirector mode, they gain access to following set of options for the director's camera feed specifically:


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